Key red-shirt leader and rogue army officer Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, who was shot in the head imemdiately after giving an interview to foreign reporters on Thursday night, died on Monday morning.
Dr Chaiwan Charoenchokthawee, director of Vajira Hospital, said Maj-Gen Khattiya, better known as Seh Daeng, was pronounced dead at 9.20am.
Seh Daeng sufferred an acute kidney failure, causing all other organs to stop functioning. Doctors were unable to detect a pulse so they tried to stimulate his heart for about five minutes, but without success, he said.
Seh Daeng, 58, was shortly after troops troops began the operation to seal off the Ratchaprasong rally site on Thursday afternoon.
His body is to be taken to Wat Sommanas at 1.30pm. Religious rites will be held there late this afteernoon.
Shortly before 11am, red-shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan announced on rally stage that Seh Daeng was dead. He asked the red-shirts to be ready and keep on fighting.
His elder sister Chiaranai Matchakijborikarn said on Monday her brother knew he has been targeted for death and had told them earlier he expected to be killed within a month.
This photo gallery shows Khattiyaa Sawasdipol, daughter of Seh Daeng, receiving the body of her father from hospital for funeral ceremony at a temple in Bangkok on May 17. (Photos by Tawatchai Tawatpakorn and Pattanapong Hirunard)